Prunus Laurocerasus Rotundifolia and Novita (Cherry Laurel)

1.5 and 2m tall mature cherry Laurel hedging plants potgrown

Cherry Laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus) is a very popular evergreen hedging plant. Like the Western Red Cedar, Laurel will tolerate very harsh pruning and is generally hardy tolerating both dry and clay sites. Laurels are tolerant of shady areas and so are ideal in situations where you want to establish a hedge underneath existant deciduous trees. Cherry laurels flower with a large white flower but do so irregularly. They are a favourite for birds when they produce their small black berries.

Cherry Laurels come in a few sub varieties. We stock the most common round leaf (Rotundifolia), along with the long leaved Novita and Genolia. Of these the round leaf Laurel is the most vigorous and bushy but the Novita is most resitant to mildew and bacterial infections (common in areas that are often damp). Genolia is ideal for situations where you want the hedge to be kept narrow (60cm or more). We supply Laurel in pots during the summer and, during the winter season, rootballed. We can usually supply sizes between 1.25m and 4m tall (stocks dependant). Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

  • Soil type: all non-waterlogged soils

  • Growth rate: 40cm - 70cm per year

  • Maintenance: regular watering until established and then yearly trimming. Ideally should be trimmed with secateurs to avoid severing the leaves and letting in infection.

Sizes normally available:

1.25-1.5m (4’-5’) supplied in a 5 litre pot or rootballed. Plant 40-50cm apart

1.5-1.75m (5’-5’9’’) supplied in a 10/11 litre pot or rootballed- plant 50- 60cm apart

1.75-2m (5’9’’-6’6’’) supplied in a 10/11 litre pot or rootballed - plant 50- 60cm apart

2.0- 2.25m (6’6’’-7’6’’) supplied in a 30 litre or 45 litre pot or rootballed - plant 50- 60cm apart

2.25-2.5m (7’6’’-8’3’’) supplied in a 30 litre or 45 litre pot or rootballed - plant 60-75cm apart

2.5-2.75m (8’3’’-9’) supplied in a 45 or 60 litre pot or rootballed - plant 60-75cm apart

2.75-3m (9’-10’) supplied in a 60 litre pot or rootballed- plant 75cm to 1m apart

3-3.5m (10’-11’6’’) supplied in a 60 or 100 litre pot or rootballed - plant 75cm to 1m apart

3.5-4m (11’6’’-13’) supplied in a 60 or 100 litre pot or rootballed - plant 75cm to 1m apart

4-4.5m (13’-14’9’’) supplied in a 100 litre pot, rootballed - plant 1-1.1m apart

Mature Cherry common laurel hedging plants 2m 6ft tall
Bulk purchase of evergreen cherry laurel hedging plants 1.5m 5ft tall